Storage Ring Magnet Power Supply System
(2004.August) English / Japanese
Magnets PS Spec and Parameters
Magnet | PS-Name | Curr(A) | Volt(V) | Ripple | Stabi. | kW(total) | Amount:.
BM | BP | 1270 | 1157 | 1E-5 | 1E-5 | 1.5MW | 1
Q1~10 | QP1-10 | 392-568 | 431~1165 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 3749kW | 10
QL1~9 | QLP1-9 | 580 | 41~65 | 2E-5 | 2E-5 | 534kW | 36
Sx1~7 | SP1-7 | 300 | 704~858 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1611 kW | 7
SL1~6 | SLP1~4 | 300 | 30-50 | 3E-5 | 2E-5 | kW | 16
Q1~10 | QA1~10 | 11~17 | 25~35 | 3E-3 | 3E-3 | 52 kW | 40
| St1~576 | StP1~12 | 5 | 60 | 1E-3 | 1E-3 | 0.3kW | 576
Skew1~24 | SkP1~24 | 5 | 60 | 1E-3 | 1E-3 | 0.3kW | 24
HP-St1~48 | StP1~48 | 5 | 60 | 1E-3 | 1E-3 | 0.3 kW | 48
St1~48 | HD-StP1~48 | 0.157 | 2 |
1E-3 | 1E-3 | 0. | 48
Bump | Bump-PS | 5600~7300 | 15k-29k | 1E-2 | 1E-2 | . . . | 4
DC-Septum | DC-Septum-PS | 2600 | 45 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | . . . | 1
Pulse-Septum | Pulse-Septum-PS | 4000 | 2.2k | 1E-2 | 1E-2 | . . . | 1
Detailed Specification (Magnet Coil, Cable, PSs ) Table for Magnet PS, after the modification on LSS
Block Diagram of the Power Supply Circuits for :
- Bending Magnet PS (1 sets)
- Quadrupole Magnet PS (10 sets)
- Sextupole Magnet PS (7 sets)
- Steering Magnet PS (576 sets, 36 Cubicles x 16 Sets)
- Auxiliary Q Magnet PS (40 sets, 10 Cubicles x 4 Sets)
Configuration of BP, QP, SP, StP, QA, QLP, SLP in the PS room A and B, C, D
SR Injection Magnet PS
- Bump Magnet (4 sets)
- DC-Setptum Magnet (1 sets)
- Pulse-Setptum Magnet (1 sets)
Powersupply Control System
Powersupply Interlock System
Magnet Power Supply and Cabling, SPring-8, H.Takebe (pdf) SSRF--SPring-8 Collaborating Workshop, 2007 Feb. 7, in Shanhai New
MAGNET POWER SUPPLY FOR SPring-8 , 2005.Oct. 11, ICALEPCS2005, Geneva
Development and Installation of High Resolition Powersupply for SPring-8 Streering Magnet , 2005.July 21, / Full PDF (5Pages) Japan Accelerator Society Proceeding 2005 ; H.Takebe (Japanese)
Modification for High Definition Powersupply System , 2004.July., SPring8 Internal Rep.. ; H.Takebe (Japanese)
Steering magnet histerysis in fine current settings. 2003 (Japanese); SPring8 Internal Rep
Magnet Power Supply Stabilization and Checking System Development (pdf) International Work Shop 2002 on Beam Orbit Stabilization December 4th; SPring8, Hyogo, Japan
Improvement of Current Stability of the Quadrupole Magnet Power Supply with DCCT Monitor Data Graphics (2001.Aug.31) , SPring-8 ; H.Takebe
Reorts on the 6th Magnet Power supply Sympo., 2000 Nov.21-22 , SPring-8
Development of High Precision Current Monitoring System for Magnet Powersupply. (2000.Dec.14) , SPring-8 ; H.Takebe
Design of Magnet Rearrangement and Power Supply for SPring-8 Storage Ring
Long Straight Sections on 12th AccSci&Technology 1999 October, Riken, Saitama
on Magnet Power supply Sympo., 1998 Dec., Osaka Univ., H.Takebe Report;
Effect of the Q, Sx magnetic field ripple by the Vacuum Chamber in SPring-8 SR. ; H.Takebe, J.Ohnishi, S.Matsui, S.Motonaga, K.Kumagai, N.Kumagai; Japan Physical Society, 1991 Oct. , Sapporo, Hokudai Univ.
From the SPring-8 Conceptional Design Report (CDR);
CDR91: Section 2.4. Power Supply System for SPring-8 Storage Ring Magnets, 1991., (CDR91). Version 1
CDR90: Section 2.4. Power Supply System for SPring-8 Storage Ring Magnets, 1990., (CDR90). Version 0
N E X T ( PS Control System ) |
R E T U R N ( Magnet system )