Operation Status
- 2006
- 2005
- -Repare of the damaged roof from Jan. to Mar.
- -Vacuum chamber at injection section was replaced to the new one with Al absorber during summer shutdown.
- -Low emittance optics was re-introduced from 6th cycle.
- 2004
- Fast BT switch to SR and NewSUBARU for top-up of both rings was applied from 6th cycle.
- Machine tuning period was shortened because of damage by typhoon.
- Top-up operation (injection interval: 1~5min) was started from 4th cycle.
- Bunch-by-Bunch FeedBack was introduced from 1st cycle.
- 2003
- Top-up operation (injection with ID gaps closed) was introduced from 7th cycle.
- Leakage from injection chamber was occurred on 6th cycle. Optics was changed from low emittance to normal one.
- 2002
- low emittance optics was introduced from 8th cycle.
- Leakage of an insertion device was occurred on June (6th cycle).
- 2001
- vacuum leakage from absorbers at RF sections was observed on June 2001.
- 2000
- RF Acceleration voltage was changed from 12MV to 16MV on February 2000.
- introducing Magnet free Long Straight Section on August 2000.
- 1999
- user operation with 100mA on June 1999.
- change optics from Hybrid to High Horizontal Low Vertical beta function on September.
- 1998
- user operation with 70mA on September 1998.
- 1997
- commissioning of storage ring started on March 1997.
- start user operation on October 1997 with stored current of 20mA.
last modification on 06 Apr,2006
by adachi@spring8.or.jp