Tuning procedure of Normal operation
COD measurement
COD correction
tune measurement
end of tuning
Tuning after short shutdown
start up GUIs
patrol in tunnel
start up of RF, magnets
warm-up the klystron power supply
execute SR mode of safety panel
set the RF acceleration voltage
initialize the magnets and set the parameter to magnets
COD correction, adjust the RF frequency
beam injection, check injection efficiency
tune measurement, set the value of tunes to the program for COD correction
COD correction, measurements
of dispersion, chromaticity
check injection orbit
check the injection position using screen monitor
RF phase adjustment to reduce coherent synchrotron oscillation of the injected
end of tuning
tuning after long shut down
measurement of perviance of electron gun
tune, chromaticity
injection efficiency
timing adjustment of RFKO
tuning of LSBT
storage Ring
offset of BPM using low tune optics
reproducibility of BPM
injection efficiency
COD correction
dispersion correction
measurement of momentum acceptance
horizontal beam size
distortion of betatron function
Example of injection. Multi-bunch, it reaches to 100mA within about
9 min.
example of filling 27Feb2002 160*(12-1), 1turn
is 4.8us
exaple of measured dispersion
example of measured chromaticity
injected beam oscillation measured by single pass monitor on 16Jan2002
trend of COD harmonic
trend of RF frequency
beam lifetime
beam size measured by visibility monitor